Diabetes has become the greatest monster in American (and growing in other countries) healthcare. It is a monster, because it is the gateway to several conditions that lead to a debilitating life along with an early death. The problem with this monster is that we don’t have the correct weapons to fight the monster effectively.
Diabetes control
Our recommended methods just slowly make the monster more powerful. However, with the correct firepower this monster is slayable. There is now an opportunity to find out what that weaponry would be in Northfield on April 30 at 7:00 at the Northfield Community Center. If you would like to sign up for this class please follow this link. This class with help the patient with:
- More energy
- Weight loss
- Less lethargy
- Better glucose control
- Better health and wellness
- Less 10 and 2 crashes
- Better dietary choices
Another problem with diabetes is that most people that have what is called pre-diabetes (reactive blood sugar) don’t know they have it. Another group of people who have pre-diabetes, but checked out fine with their doctor actually have a looming problem, but have the false sense of hope, because their doctor didn’t perform a good test for their condition. That means that diabetes and its numerous complications may be on their way, and if nothing is done at this point, then the inevitable will ensue. They will be talked into taking medications for the rest of their lives.
Another problem with diabetes is that we tend to think that diabetes is unpreventable and can only be treated through drugs. This is not true, and if reactive blood sugar is caught early enough, then diabetes can be avoided. I firmly believe that giving drugs and bad dietary recommendations are the WORST thing that one can do. This allows the offending cascade to continue, and more complications are inevitable. Drugs can be great to help the patient get to the point of where they can get to a dietary preventative method, but it should not be a long-term treatment goal. This is like saying that the treatment recommendation for heroin addiction is to be treated with naltrexone(a medical treatment for heroin addiction), but getting the heroin out to the daily routine is not necessary. In fact the dietary recommendations often given to patients with diabetes and pre-diabetes is like that same scenario.
Everyone likes to save money and treating diabetes this way can save BILLIONS of dollars yearly on diabetes treatment. All of this hubbub about health insurance and money can be quite benefitted with the proper counseling, and if the insurance companies had any brains at all they would pay premium for this type of consultation, but they are still in the model of paying for treatment and not paying for effective prevention.
If you would like more wonderful tips that are reinforced, then check out our blog. Also, don’t hesitate to give our office a call 507-645-8000. We have several ways to help with the care that patients with diabetes need. The power of health is in your hands! Life is an adventure, be healthy for it!
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