CNN Agrees With Northfield Chiropractor

The Northfield community is a very healthy community, but there is still some need for education, and this chiropractor seems to quite informed about that knowledge. it seems like every time we post a blog we are echoed by the mainstream media! Here is a link to another echo by CNN! CNN Article

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What Can Fish Oils Do For You?

There are many folks in the Northfield area that have conditions that are affected by inflammation and autoimmunity. Some of these conditions include; Crohn’s , ulcerative colitis, Lupus, Hashimoto’s thyroid, diabetes, MS, migraine headache, eczema, psoriasis, rosacea, and so much more. This is because these processes are characterized by the pro-inflammatory cytokine IL-1. This blog…

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Statins May Need Supplementation

It seems like everyone is taking a statin, and there is even a serious look into children taking them. Some people are even saying that statins should be used prophylactically to keep you from getting heart disease! I am not going to get into the whether there is an over prescribing, but I am going…

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Eating Locally Can Help Northfield Stay Healty

What is the deal with grass-fed? There is a lot of talk about eating healthy, and still there is confusion. This blog is meant to help clear up one of the many problems that people face when they shop for their food. The question at hand is what is healthy meat, and why do people…

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Chiropractic and the food we eat in Northfield, MN

Don’t feed that to the dog! Since we are having such nice weather, I thought that I would have some light-hearted humor. The other day I was at my friend’s place and I mistakenly gave an offer that I didn’t think was that big of a deal. They’re cute little mutt was making its case…

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Diet Drinks are Not a Healthy Alternative

Your body tells you that it is thirsty. You reach into you reach into your fridge or stop at a gas station. You look at all of the availabilities, but you don’t want to gain weight, so you grab a diet soda. You may be thinking that you are doing your body a favor, but…

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Alzheimer’s and Dementia Can Be Treated Proactively

I hope that no one has to ever deal with a loved one with Alzheimer’s or Dementia. It is the most heart-breaking pathological progression that I have ever dealt with. Most people who are stricken with the process don’t even know that it is happening to them until it is too late. Once the diagnosis…

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