Neck Pain in Northfield: (The Campfire Analogy)

Most folks have a problem with neck pain in their lifetimes. If it becomes a chronic problem, those folks would usually go see their MD (medical doctor). This can be a problem because their MD doesn’t have a solution for them to fix the underlying problem(s).The sad thing is that they may give a prescription…

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Chiropractic is the Way to Help Back Pain

There was a recent study that shows that Enbrel is not an effective treatment for back pain (sciatic in nature). There are many things about this study that need to be assessed. One of those things is why they chose Enbrel to treat back pain? Another aspect of this article is that they compared it…

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Northfield Chiropractor Explains Curcumin Article

Today the Huffington Post reported on the fact that tumeric can help people who have had bi-pass surgery. The study is small but very encouraging. The article only touched on why this is working and how you can use this article in everyday life. To understand this mechanism you must understand NF-kB (nuclear factor light…

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