Chiropractor in Northfield Talks About Avoiding Diabetes

Diabetes has become the greatest monster in American (and growing in other countries) healthcare. It is a monster, because it is the gateway to several conditions that lead to a debilitating life along with an early death. The problem with this monster is that we don’t have the correct weapons to fight the monster effectively.…

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Chiropractor in Northfield Discusses Back Pain

Have you ever wondered why you can pinpoint a pain in your finger, but when you have low back pain you tend to use your whole hand and swirl around and say, “it hurts kind of around here”? As a chiropractor I hear that quite a lot. There is a reason for that kind of…

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Chiropractor in Northfield Offers Weight Loss Help

One of the greatest problems with our healthcare system is blood sugar regulation. In past blog posts I have discussed many topics that have to do with blood sugar regulation. Problems with blood sugar regulation include: Obesity Diabetes And problems relating to diabetes High blood pressure Cardiovascular Disease Metabolic syndrome Anxiety Dizziness Behavioral Problems And…

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“Sciatica” May Be Misdiagnosed in Northfield

“I have pain that is coming from my low back and it is going down my leg.” “I have sciatica.” Those a very common quotes that come into my clinic. A lot of the time this is a self-diagnosis of their symptoms. They have tried other medical interventions that only helped a little or have…

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Northfield Chiropractor Discusses New BPA Study

There other week I was talking to a patient about the toxins that can build up in the body when another person listening in on the conversation asked in a very sarcastic tone, “Toxins?! What are ‘toxins’”? He didn’t think that I could give an answer to that question, so his smirk melted away when…

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Car Accident Victims Have Reasons For Chiropractic Care

Snow Falls Equals More Accidents Every year (except for perhaps last year) Northfield residents have to deal with driving in the snow. It also means that the probability of a car accident is more likely to happen. I know that is is usually the other guy’s fault, but, either way, accident victims are entitled to…

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Northfield Chiropractor Dissects Cancer Article

New Treatment for Cancer? A breakthrough finding about cancer is one again misinterpreted. A study about the effects of a popular drug for diabetes has an effect on bladder cancer. This is a great thing if you would like to help treat cancer; however, the potential for prevention is ignored. It may sound callous, but…

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