Chiropractor in Northfield Helps With Headaches

One of the best things that we do here in our office is to treat headaches. So many people leave our office thanking us 3 or 4 times just to prove a point, “headaches are awful!” However, when a headache patient comes into our office they are all treated differently. This is because there are…

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Chiropractors in Northfield Can Help Heal Injuries Faster!

Heal Faster, Prevent Future Injuries, Be More Productive after Injury or Surgery   It happens! We fall, we stumble, we tear, we break. From minor sprains and strains to torn rotator cuffs and invasive surgeries, there is hope!   At Cannon Pointe Chiropractic, we provide a wide range of treatment options. One of which is…

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Northfield Chiropractors talk about Blood Sugar Regulation and its connection to Diabetes, Endometriosis, Fertility, Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, Energy, and Mood!

In light of our upcoming class at the IT! Factory on April 6th, 2014, we’ve been brushing up on some studies, reports, and peer reviewed journal articles on the topic of blood sugar regulation and the problems listed above. Blood sugar is most often associated with diabetes and energy. However, it is alarming to note…

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Shoveling Injuries in Northfield:Prevention

We all hope this is the last round of shoveling, but this snowfall really begs for some help on how to keep yourself healthy shoveling. This snow fall is different than the previous falls in that it is much heavier than a regular snowfall. The first thing to think about is your heart. If you…

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Good Supplement Discussion From Northfield Chiropractor

There has been quite a bit of press lately on the effectiveness of dietary supplements lately, and I would like to give you a different perspective, and a research expert’s perspective. The “Big article” The big news hit a couple of weeks ago stating that multivitamins waste your money. First off, this was not a…

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Northfield Chiropractor Talks New Year Nutrition

That time of the year is coming up again. Yep. Weight loss goals motivated by New Year resolutions. There are several gimmicks out there that can help people lose weight every which way. Remember ephedra? Yeah, it turns out that stuff is very similar to amphetamine, and very terrible for your heart. Weight loss is…

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